It’s been a tough month for art sales with an even tougher month to come. I had very few scheduled events to begin with and of course, now they have all been cancelled. Not that I was advocating moving forward with them, especially since I have chosen to self quarantine for at least the next two weeks. No. I’m not sick, but I am over 60 and I do have a compromised immune system.
I live in hurricane prone Florida and it was just a month ago we stocked up on supplies for the coming season, which just so happens to have been a good move, given the current corona virus situation. That said, I have plenty of toilet paper and I plan to keep every bit of it here. But, pssst….since you are reading this, I will let you in on a little secret: I am willing to part with three rolls of toilet paper – limit one pack per person – for the first 25 people who respond – and pay for them! That’s right. You can get “Papier du Toilette” in a strictly limited edition of 25, numbered and signed by the artist (that would be me!) and shipped to your door anywhere in the continental U.S. for just $25, including postage and handling. You get an 8×10 in an 11×14 mat, ready for framing. You will never be without toilet paper in your bath again!
Since this website is still a work in progress, I will ask that you leave a comment here and I will get back with you shortly. Payment will be via PayPal.
If you have the toilet paper, but prefer the toilet, I can help with that too! “Eau de Toilettes”, My Warhol version of all things toilet, is also available in a limited edition of 25, signed, numbered and ready to ship. Again, use the contact form above and I will get back with you.
Since I now have plenty of time to work on my websites, I should have it set up to order directly from here in the next couple of weeks. Hey, I am painting toilets and toilet paper…I have plenty of time!