A Funny thing happened on the way to Winning

‘Selling Flowers’, 8×10 on paper, framed

There are times when I feel like I have painted a winner. The end result is exactly as I envisioned, and it brings joy to me. “Selling Flowers” was not one of those paintings.

I painted it a few years ago, put it in a closet and forgot about it. I was looking for another painting back in February when I ran across this. I was doing that Art Guild of Ponce Inlet annual show and I took it along because I had an extra easel. I was amazed that it won an Honorable Mention. I had so many others…actually, every other painting, that I thought had a better chance.

A few weeks ago, I looked for a painting for the ‘Figuratively Speaking’, exhibit at the Art League of Daytona Beach. I brought this in because I have very few paintings with a human form. Once again, in a field of 80 paintings, “Selling Flowers” brought an Honorable Mention.

I am thrilled, but mystified.

“Selling Flowers” came about during one of our many moves from one home to the next. I stumbled upon a photo I took of a woman in Lithuania on a corner, selling flowers. I suddenly got the urge to paint, but realized I only had a few paints and no canvas or art paper. So I used the only thing I had…photo paper! It had a matte finish and was difficult to work with and not very forgiving. If I messed something up, it stayed that way. I guess that’s why I never held out much hope for this. But it surprises and continues to surprise.

Who would have figured!

“Selling Flowers” is on display at the Art League of Daytona Beach through July 16.